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I want to be your shooter.

Hi. I'd love the opportunity to shoot for you. I have experience with celebrities, fashion, food, restaurants,

editorial, lifestyle and travel. Even some impressive architecture.

I can shoot to budget, in studio or on location. If needed, I can easily access models and HMU.

I can be as 'high street' or as 'suburban mall' as you like.

 When it comes to shooting people I shy away from the predictable and always look for the 'unflippable'.

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If you want to see more examples, click each image title below. They are linked to the relevant categories.  If you are as interested in talking with me as I am with you, I would appreciate a call: 0414 326 692 or an email

I look forward to talking with you.


Publications I've worked with:

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...and now I'd like to work with you.

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